
Encouragement for the Family living on a modest  income...

Rich or poor a prudent wife is from the Lord!
More to come as I have time to organize links!

The Frugal Library In order of importance to me!
  1. Tightwad Gazette
  2. Dave Ramsey Money Make over, Financial Peace
  3. Samons Financial Peace
  4. Gil Bates how to feed a family of 20 without a Salary (DVD or audio)
  5. Amish Money Make-over
Frugal want to read:
  • America's Cheapest Family

The Frugal Laundry
  1. Save Money with Dryer Balls
  2. Instead of you can be lower your
  3. The clothes line
The Frugal Kitchen 
The book for the Frugal!
  1.  Saving money on napkins
  2.  Frugal Cleaning
  3. Saving time in the kitchen pre cooking beef
  4. Frugal Eating Beans
  5. Frugal Eating Meaty Matters
  6. Frugal Eating Meaty Matters #3
  7. Frugal Eating Long Term Thinking #4
  8. Frugal Eating Breakfast  Amish Money Matters "nothing cheaper for breakfast then..."

The Frugal Decorator
  1. Trash to treasure
  2. Furgal Decorating Sites ...hundreds of ideas to do with the things we find on the curb!
The Frugal Car
  1. Saving money on Tires
The Frugal Homeschool
  1. Homeschool does not have to cost a fortune
  2. Free Science learning Songs
  3. Homeschool for free: Freely Educate  it also lists a link to a blog that lists freebies each day.
The Frugal Vacation
  1. Camping
The Frugal giving Gifts
  1. What does a really cool $3 Christmas gift look like
Frugal Family Fun
  1. Letterboxing
  2. A pass to the right Zoo
Birthday Parties

  1. Wilton's Cake Decorating Class
  2.  Frugal Birthday party games
  3. Mad Science Party
Other Random Fun ideas I've found for cheap fun!
  •   Movies by mail
  •  Make ice cream sundaes with yummy toppings
  •  Play outdoor games such as "Kick the Can" or "Mother May I", Horse shoes, Frisbee, tag
  •  Play board games, Play Charades
  •  Have picnic lunch in the yard or at the park
  •  Water fights (or water balloon fights)
  •  Play in the sprinkler
  •  Play a sport together such as volleyball, soccer etc...
  •  Roasting marshmallows 
  •  Even better Marshmallow wars!
  •  Read a book together out loud

  • Do a craft project together
  • Garage or yard sale shopping
  • Do an art projects

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