What's Cookin'

We absolutely love to cook here at Rooster Hill and I wanted to provide an easy index to the recipes we have previously posted. I hope you truly enjoy the food you make and please comment either on the original page or this page and let us know what you think! We are not a Nourishing Traditions family it is too expensive for us! But we feel it is very important that we eat as much whole wheat, garden veggies and unprocessed food as possible, after all your body is a temple for the Holy Spirit. My prayer is that these recipes would bless your families tummy & bank account.
All recipes designated frugal will be proceeded by a star
Blackberry Muffins
Rooster Hills Whole Wheat Pancakes
Sweet Wheat Muffins Mix
Blackberry Muffins
Blueberry Coffee Cake
Rooster Hill's Banana Nut Raisin Muffins


Sloppy Joe's
*Braised Beef Cubes these are a family favorite. Buy brisket when it hits .99 a pound to make this frugal meal!
Pepper Jack Chicken (crockpot)
Carpio's Cashew Chicken (crockpot)
Sweet Hot Wings (crock pot)

Homemade Pinto Beans

Slap your Mama Butternut Squash Soup

Side Dish
Fried Green Tomatoes
Simple Mexican Style Corn

Sweet Potatoe Pie

Frugal Cooks on the web...The Prudent Homemaker , The Hillbilly Housewife
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Don't forget to check out our farm blog: Rooster Hill Farm we are currently accepting new broiler & egg customers!

Topics: farming, homesteading, chickens, garden, buff orpingtons, kids, Christ, Christian Homemaking, Bible, rabbits, chicks,cooking, food, comfort food, country food, nurishing traditions, organic, Baptist, raising kids, farm, fun, black homeschoolers, black homeschool, lamplighter coupon, lamp lighter discount, decorate small house, country decor, reformed baptist, Mama

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