Wednesday, November 19, 2008 II: The Clothes Line

In my earlier post I posted about the savings involved in using a clothes line. Here I will post the specifics about a clothes line and when Wayne builds a new one I'll post a final follow up. Please keep in mind I only wash 2 at the most 3 loads of laundry a day from Monday - Friday(if you don't have kids this will seem like a lot but its pretty normal for a family of 5!). Also keep in mind my day is planned around homeschooling.
  1. I start the laundry first thing in the morning and then do my quiet time, wake up kids & start breakfast.
  2. At this point I go and hang the first load and start the second load.
  3. We have school from 9-2 after school I go and fold the first load on the line and put it up and hang the second load
  4. Proceed with cleaning, playing etc.....
  5. Start dinner and then go and get the laundry off the line and fold and put it away.

Clothes pin cost .97 at Wal-Mart and I am buying a bag a month until my jar is full. It's not labor intensive and I thought it would be, but it's not.

Some laundry I let the kids hang, towels & rags. Most laundry the kids can get down and then I fold it once it's in the house. My kids love to hang the towels and rags they act like I'm giving them a special treat!I think the laundry line adds about 10-15 minutes do my day. But I'll time myself and see. I really enjoy hanging the laundry because usually I am by myself (kids are doing their chores and I get a chance to regroup and get with the Lord). Here is another post from my on-line friend regarding her laundry line and my inspiration at His Grace to You!

Just Hanging Out,


Carpio Family said...

I remember my mom hanging clothes out of the line. I loved to help her take it down, or just hand it to her. I remember playing in the sheets as they dried.

I am so glad you girls love to do this with you too. It is definetly a fond memory of mine.

Also beware of dogs, ours would take the clothes off the line.

~*~The Family~*~ said...

I love to hang out clothes. For some reason I too find it relaxing. I can't hang out in the winter though, several feet of snow and subzero temps don't really go well with wet clothes. I know the clothes will freeze dry but I am not that much of a die hard to line drying! My kids love to run between the sheets and blankets.

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