Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Helping Children Listen in Church: Part I

Although we do not attend a family integrated church we do believe it is beneficial for all of our children to remain in worship with us. Accordingly, we seek out products/ideas to get our children to listen closely to pastor. Our church does give out a wonderful handout but we prefer our kiddos to complete it after church because they get so focused on answering the questions and doing the activities that they do not listen to Pastor. So here are some products that we are using/planning to use to enable our children to fully engage in the sermon.

I hope this helps you to train your littles to sit and listen attentively to your Pastor. Most importantly, always remember raising kids is hard work no matter how you look at it but the Lord has told us no to grow weary  for you WILL reap a harvest if you don't give up (rough quote of Gal 6:9)! So be encouraged.


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