Monday, March 12, 2012

The Frugal Kitchen: Dinner on a dime!

How do you make dinner for your family for less then .50 per person? Each week we make beans and rice/cabbage and corn bread every Wednesday night (which by the way is another way to feed your army for less then a.50 per person. but that's another post).  When I have collected enough leftovers I make these simple and tasty Bean&Cheese Burritos.

Bean & Cheese Burritos

All of my ingredients are generic:
Homemade Beans (any/ all left over beans)................$0
Generic Flour Tortillas (8)......................................... $1.99
Cheese.(Kroger Sale Cheese).....................................$ 1.66
salsa(Walmart Bulk size!) .........................................$.50
taco seasoning(Sam's Club bulk)...............................$.25
rice ..............................................................................$.50

We keep the optional ingredients in the fridge most of the time and we top the  burritos with tomatoes and sour cream and add the cooked onions to the beans them if we have them.
diced onions (optional)
tomatoes (optional)
sour cream (optional)

Total $4.90 or .61 per person, well, I didn't make .50 but .61 is still pretty good I think.

1. Mix beans, salsa, rice, taco seasoning and 1 cup of cheese. mix
2. Spoon about 1/3 cup into each tortilla and fold it up and turn it so the folded side is on the bottom.
3. Put the other cup of cheese on the top cover an bake at 375* for 25 minutes.

We normally serve this with corn (which adds 1.99 to the total meal)which makes it $.86 per person. These burritos are enough to fill up most folks without corn, my kids just eat a lot.

We really enjoy this meal. For me the key to frugal cooking is tasty food, then I don't feel like I am constantly sacrificing!Let's help each other and add links to your frugal meals in the comments.



Anonymous said...

I was looking at your costs and if you made the tortillas you could save off most of the cost. I know that isn't always feasible. I am a busy mom of 5 too. I enjoyed dropping by your site.

Anonymous said...

I was looking at your costs and if you made the tortillas you could save off most of the cost. I know that isn't always feasible. I am a busy mom of 5 too. I enjoyed dropping by your site.

texasmcvays said...

Oh yes you are right. I've made tortillas before but we go through so many it was just time prohibitive. But for this I may have to start up a little tortillaria because the large tortillas are way more expensive then the small ones and we really only need about 24 tortillas a month! Thanks for the reminder! :) Kyle
@ Roosterhill

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