Monday, April 05, 2010

Cooking Through Gooseberry Patch...revised

Here are the super tall Sour Cream Cornbread muffins from Gooseberry Patch that we made. When you make the batter for these it will appear to be a little bit dry but in the end they are very moist. These were very good but not as sweet as I like my cornbread to be so I will be adding a little more sugar. But these were light and tasty muffins we heartily reccomend.

By the way I went back to Sam's Club to buy more Gooseberry Patch Cookbooks and my selection was seriously limited. You should all be ashamed of yourselves for swooping in and buying all of those cookbooks. Sam's originally had about 50-75 books and about 5 different titles. When I got back less then a week later there were only 5 books left!  I did not realize you would all get out there and buy them all up! I had wanted to get another This and That book to do my first give away, maybe one day! In the meantime go to  and order yourself a couple of really good cookbooks. We have to keep these women in business because they are are keeping my people's tummys very happy!

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