Friday, August 08, 2008

Wilton's Cake Course: Homemaker's Continuing Education

Okay, here is the Wilton's Cake Class follow up... I completed the course and got the certificate that proves I am a Cake Class graduate! So I decided to post a cake that I made for Pearson's First Birthday with my last cake class cake(I did not finish the shell boarder or add the cute polka dots. Still I think there is a vast improvement. I believe it was Jessica B that asked me if the white cake was Fondant! Nope just regular butter cream. I spent a good hour trying to make the chocolate cake smooth and you can see I did not succeed. I can now make butter cream cake frosting (stiff, medium and light) I know which sort of frosting to use for which kind of application. I can make roses and I feel confident that I will be able to make the family birthday cakes from this point forward. So as Parker & Pearson's Birthday party gets closer I will begin to think about the best way to make a tea pot for a tea party cake for Parker and a simple sheet cake for Pearson. They are having a joint birthday party this year. I would encourage all of you to take these courses they are very good and like I said I think it's vital we keep learning and going down the path of continuing education for homemakers.

Here at Rooster Hill we are shouting along with the French Aristocrats: "Let them eat cake!"



Kelly Owen said...

Thanks for the sweet message about Riley's nursery!

Just FYI, I posted a blog about meal planning and I put a link to your blog b/c you're the pro in that area. Thanks for all the food advice!

Molly said...

What a beautiful family you have! So glad you liked what we had to say about adoption. Sadly enough, the insensitive or uneducated responses we get about adoption come from mostly our church family, the churches we grew up in and people at work. We get nothing but great comments from strangers. That's why I thought it would be a great idea to get the word out about what it feels like to recieve these comments from our brothers and sisters in Christ. Our boys are our dream. We are a little different because we only want brown babies. We couldn't have hand picked them any better. Thanks again for the comment and good luck with the adoption!

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