Monday, August 11, 2008

Fels-Naptha Rocks!

I bought this bar of Fels-Naphtha because I was making homemade laundry soap. Well, I've since stopped making the laundry soap (because I felt like it worked well at first but then my clothes got dingy over time) but I am in love with this bar. I use it like a stain remover and boy oh boy does it work. Recently we went to a wedding and the girls spilled red punch down the front of their light yellow and blue eyelet dresses. Well, I followed the directions on the bar and those dresses are like new. I thought for sure they were headed to the trash or play clothes. I think every homemaker should have a bar of this stuff its Grrrrrrrrrrreaat!


Kathryn, Michael and Alex said...

Where did you get it?

I saw the punch on the dresses and really thought they were doomed!!!

texasmcvays said...

Kroger's is where I buy mine!
I love this stuff!

Unknown said...

Kyle, I started combining my homemade laundry soap with 4 parts homemade and 1 part Tide. I mixed them while the homemade was still warm, so it never gets goopy or gloppy or whatever it is. :) That seems to work great - and still saves us money. For the super tough stuff, I still use straight Tide (the ones containing Bleach Alternative get out all sorts of smells and mildewy type stuff). But that bar sounds fantastic - I've got to try it.

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