Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Essential Oils: Purification

Okay so I am more of an herb girl. But a couple of years (yes, I said years ;) ) ago my daughter stepped into an ant mound and got a couple of dozen stings/bites. One of the ladies at the music co-op had purification and put it on her foot and the pain went away and there were no visible bites. Well I meant to buy some of this stuff right about but I promptly forgot. In December I ran across a young lady placing an order for Young Living Essential Oils and I purchased some from her. Then a few weeks ago I stepped into an ant bed and I got bitten about 100x, seriously. They were all over my foot because I had stood there in the bed and then walked slowly away before I realized I was being attacked by fire ants. I had the purification in my pocket rubbed it on my foot but I forgot my big toe. The pain went away and there was NO evidence of ant bites or itching, except on that big toe. I added it there and those went away too.

 I'm still not sure I'm 100% on board with essential oils, but I am going to be doing some more research and will definitely be adding some to our medical arsenal. You can order Purification from Minke Wellness, I do not get any thing from this post. The Minke's are friends of ours.o

I am not a medical professional so you should consult a medical professional and this is not medical advice.

1 comment:

priest's wife - S.T./ Anne Boyd said...

I've used chamomile oil with success for relaxation- I think there is an important place for natural healing

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