Tuesday, November 02, 2010

November is Coming...in fact it's here!

Don't forget to vote in this historic election!
Our whole family went to vote and the girls and I in an act of complete rebellion pinned tea bags to our shirts. Of course the most pressing question on their mind was if we could have a tea party when we got home.

(if you have not done so yet!)

1 comment:

Katy said...

Hello! :)

I voted! :)

Thank you for your kind words on my blog post lately. You asked about my oil lamps...I buy odorless lamp oil to put in them. :) Also, if you don't have your fire up too high in them, you shouldn't get the terrible black smoke in abundance! :) Here is a link to some of the sort of stuff I get!


Warm wishes for a beautiful weekend! :)

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