Monday, April 09, 2012

The Frugal Kitchen: Dinner on a Dime .85 per serving

This is another dollar saving meal we make with leftover beans from our weekly meal of beans,rice/cabbage and cornbread muffins. I got this recipe from

corn tortillas.................................   $1.99 (20)
veggie oil .......................................$25
cooked pinto beans.........................$1.11
shreeded lettuce..............................$.66
grated cheese...................................$.83
diced tomatoes................................$.59
sour cream......................................$.75 (make sure to have another recipe that would benefit from sour cream this week too!)
 + corn large bag.................... .13
15 servings

$8.17  or .54 per serving.

Total .54 per serving

2-4T oil
corn tortillas
2 1/4 cup dry beans cooked
1/3 head of lettuce shredded
1 cup shredded cheddar
1/2 pound tomatoes
1/2 cup sour cream
  1. Fry your tortillas in the veggie oil
  2. top with beans, cheese, lettuce, sour cream & tomatoes

We normally serve this with corn! When you add corn to this meal your total cost per serving is a whopping .84! This is another one of my families favorite meals. It's simple, frugal and tasty!

Big Fat Kitchen Blessings!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very good recipe, I will have to try this, hubby would like this!

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