Thursday, April 12, 2012

{pretty, funny, happy, real}

Finding joy and contentment everyday...all week long!


Now a days the beautifully piped cookies have given way to the beautifully kid decorated cookies! They had a great time making these and we are still eating them.

Yummy and tasty my first hot cross buns, we ate ours with our Easter Dinner. We also read the history of Hot Cross buns to the children.


On Easter day despite my crusade against senseless violence, my husband orchestrated a peeps fight. I unfortunately had accidentally purchased the wrong peeps but it was still very amusing!


 The kids really enjoyed the Easter Treasure Hunt. Each egg had a Bible verse clue leading to the next clue. The kids had such a fun time hunting for the eggs and trying to figure out the clues.

 Bubba, not to be left behind is trying to catch his sisters as they ran around a corner by the shed.


 Trying to direct 5 kids in an Easter play in your backyard. I began apologize for not volunteering at the summer productions that our church used to do. Geesh.... The play was great and the kids really learned more about the Easter Story, which was the actual goal. Sweetie told everyone she was Jesus which amounted to much laughter.

I hope you also had a wonderful Easter Sunday!

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