Thursday, May 20, 2010

Summer Snack Attack! Tell me what you feed your kids!!!

I have a lot of deep thoughts rolling around in my mind but my most pressing concern....snacks! Seriously, I want to know what snacks you feed your littles. I hope to add more healthy & yummy snacks into every one's arsenal.
okay so I'll start us off....
  • veggie plate
  • sliced cheese (we buy a 1# of cheese and cut it ourselves into sticks)
  • Popcorn
  • fruit
  • cheese & crackers
  • yogurt
  • homemade granola bar/granola
  • Roll up (contains peanut butter, honey or jam, raisins (optional))
  • homemade cookies
  • breakfast left overs
Please don't let my children go hungry or drift into a snack malaise...Help to elevate this Mama to snack time greatness! Can't wait to see what ya' got!

1 comment:

Carpio Family said...

if you have any left over over ripening fruit you can puree it and dehydrate it into fruit leathers. Super good and cheaper then store bought. Also i make breakfast cookies (not really sweet) and keep them in the fridge, so he can have one for a 10:30 snack. Also i pre-make pancakes for the week along with boiled eggs and put them on his level for easy grabs. Applesauce, and frozen yogurts.

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