Thursday, July 10, 2008

Berry Picking at Barneys

While we were having dinner with friends Barney stopped by and told us to come berry picking and get as much as we could. So we went berry picking at Barney's (this man is a faithful servant) we go to church with him and he has a blackberry patch, 2 fish pond (catfish & trout I think) and basically a great spread (that's Texan for place). We had such a great time and were greatly blessed by his offer. My one suggestion to anyone who has never picked berries before ...wear gloves! We never have blackberries because they are so expensive but my kids love fruit. So when we went to Barney's we picked 33# of blackberries. We have enjoyed blackberry muffins, cobbler, and I am thinking of cold black berry soup. We will be eating his delicious blackberries for at least 1 if not the next 2 years. The Lord provides so abundantly for us I am embarrassed to think how concerned I've been about food prices. I'm worried and God's is just showing up and showing out as he provided several hundred dollars worth of berries.

I will bless her with abundant provisions; her poor will I satisfy with food.


Kathryn, Michael and Alex said...

33 pounds, wow!!

We went picking out there, so fun, but we didn't get nearly that season!!!

God is faithful and will give you the desires of your hearts...berries!!

Mrs. K's Lemonade Stand said...

I love to pick blackberries and I agree… always wear gloves. I also wear blue jeans as those thorns are nasty for sure!

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