Friday, October 05, 2012

Field Trip : Houston Museum of Natural Science

This year we are participating in a local Co-op that incorporates several things including Field Trips. Each Semester there are two big field trips and this was one of them to the Houston Museum of Natural Sciences.

The group in front of the museum. 
 This Co-op is enormous and this only represents about 5 of the about 35 families involved.  We absolutely love this museum. 
 Sweetie posing in the paleontology exhibit. Which I found very amusing as they had exhibits with names such as Armadillo-zilla and Sloth-zilla...I'm not kidding. 
 Pretending to be eaten by T-Rex
 The Jaw of a Megaleaon...we recently listened to Shark Tales in the series Gray the hero of the series is a Megaladon so this was especially interesting to the children.
 Playing a little bit during lunch involved chasing the birds and for ShooShoo yelling 'no bird'!
 The twins and Ms. Bethany (who by the way will soon be Mrs. Cook ;) ) looking at the hissing cockroaches. 
 For the first time we visited the Cockerall Butterfly Exhibit and it was amazing there were butterflies everywhere. They were landing on you flying within inches of you and just putting on a show everywhere!
 One of the curators in the butterfly exhibit was holding this little creature. The kiddos were able to pet it.
 Nothing like posing with some larva/caterpillar?

Eating some Sour Cream & Chives crickets 
Bubba ate the most and really seemed to enjoy them. However, everyone ate at least one!

Don't forget to check out Weekly Wrap Up & Homeschool Mom's Journal 

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