Thursday, September 27, 2012

{Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real} Birthday & Ball

Capturing the context of everyday contentment

{Pretty & Happy}

We celebrated sweet boys 1st birthday on Sunday. I have soooooo many pictures of him with cake on  his face smiling so you'll have to create a mental picture because since he's not adopted I can't showcase his big smile on the blog. But rest assured he was covered in blue frosting and VERY happy!


All day long Shooshoo insisted on wearing this costume and running through the house. She was so happy folks were calling her super Shooshoo! 


Our days are pretty busy but we did manage to squeeze in some schoolwork and play some softball. Or as we homeschoolers call it Physical Education.
Sugar Pie & Sweetie working on their Geography State Study. 
Bullet stretches at softball practice.
Sugar pie playing catch.

You can find more folks loving some everyday contentment at "Like Mother, Like Daughter

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