Thursday, August 23, 2012

{Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real}: Adoption & Lake Edition


Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life!
We celebrated Adoption day with some of our friends with a dinner and praying blessing over our sweet twins!
 McDaddy & Nakoda
 Sarah reading to 4 of the kiddos

 Sugar Pie tore it up!

Bullet a little more cautious then Sugarpie had a great time too!
 McDaddy was trying unsuccessfully to get me to do S's in the boat
 Sweetie just loved being pulled backwards and it was really funny!

 We had to pack up and go home at the end of the weekend, which was very sad!

Wayne and our new friend Nakoda replacing the fuel pump they Suburban.

For more  contented Christian Homemakers check out Like Mother, Like Daughter!

1 comment:

Leila said...

So much going on! And good work with the Suburban. Ugh, the fuel pump... how many of those did we pay for??

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