Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Frugal Fun ....Take me out to the ball game....

As we seek to grow closer as family we want to make wonderful family memories together.
Trying on the hat!
Well, we finally made it to a baseball game and what good time we had! The girls received 2 baseball hats with their tickets. At these games they set up lots of games for the kids to participate in and the kids normally win. That made it really fun and encouraging for our children.College League team this summer!

Yes, Bullet knocked over all the blocks! That's my girl!
  The babies even sat happily and watched the game and the people. Now as for the mascot....geesh....they could of done without him all together Other then the mascot we have definitely found something fun & inexpensive to do as a family during the summer and there will be more trips to see our local College League team!
Enjoying the game

Reasons to check out your local College League baseball team:
  1. This baseball league allows kids in for free on Saturdays and gives them a hot dog meal or a hat. Plus they give them some tickets to jump on the inflatables.
  2. Lots of affordable frugal theme nights (Sundae Funday, $2 Tuesday, Monday feast .50 hot dogs, Kids Free Saturday our favorite,family Fridays etc....)
  3.  Lots of games for the kids to play and they feel like they are part of the game.
I hope you are making lots of memories with your families too!

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