Saturday, March 17, 2012

Top of the Morning!

Those of you with dye allergies may want to steer clear of our house on St. Patty's Day. Because these country Irish folks plan to P-A-R-T-Y!Well eat a bunch of green stuff today and I plan to keep the green food color people in business. And we'll read about the venerable St. Patrick.

Breakfast: Green Eggs, Green Pancakes, green milk & regular oj and sausage
Lunch: Either Irish Stew or Potato Soup
Dinner: Homemade Corned Beef & Cabbage with carrots & rolls on the side
Dessert: is  a knock off of the McDonald's Shamrock Shake (not exactly traditional Irish fare!) But it will do for this shake loving crew.

We are really trying to take advantage of any opportunity we have to add a 'wee bit of fun' to each day. I hope you also enjoy the celebrating the day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad it!


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