Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Frugal Kitchen: Bread Crumbs

We have several recipes that require the use of bread crumbs. For many years I purchased bread crumbs and they are relatively inexpensive for around $2 you can buy a small canister of Great Value Brand. But you can simply make your own bread crumbs from the heels of bread. Our family goes through a ridiculous amount of bread and no one really likes the heels so I use them for breadcrumbs.

How To...
  1. heels of bread, random pieces of bread, etc...
  2. leave them over night or toast
  3. Put in food processor grind until finely chopped
  4. I keep the bag in the freezer
Total Cost: $0
Savings over 1 year (assuming a monthly purchase): $24 

We are trying to maintain a grocery budget of $600/month eating healthy foods for a family of 7so could you please let me know what wonderfully thrifty ideas you have!

1 comment:

Homesweetgrown said...

Another thing that I would do with stretching bread is that my children would generally not eat the crust off their bread. For awhile I was very agitated by the wastefulness, until I realized that I can cut the crust off of those sandwiches that the kids will not use. I keep a bag of bread crumbs or pieces in my freezer and just add to it anytime I cut crust off bread or have heals. I then pull out the bag of bread pieces from my freezer to make my own bread crumbs or to use in casseroles that call for the use of bread.

And to encourage you, we too are a family of 7. I can generally keep my household budget (food, toiletries, and cleaning supplies) at $600 a month very easily while still eating healthy. That is except for at the beginning of pregnancies....and at the end.

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