Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Menu Plan Monday or Tuesday!

Please join us for feed your family for $5 on Fridays in September!

From reading the Amish Money Makeover I am enthusiastically making a few changes to our grocery shopping habits. One thing I have decided to stop doing is buying the Clearance Bread even though we never pay more then .90 per loaf . I can make bread so much healthier bread more cheaply at home. I should gain about $120/year for fresh veggies & fruits!

Monday- Rosemary White Bean Soup & Bread
Tuesday - Tuna Fish Casserole and sweet bread
Wednesday- Beans, Rice & Cornbread
Thursday - Mexican Lasagna
Friday - Homemade Pizza
Saturday - Meatball Sandwich

All of the meals listed above were made from items in our pantry. I am trying to avoid an official grocery trip over the next couple of weeks and eating from our pantry. I would like us to start getting to the "bottom" of our freezer and pantry each month. Thus, living the proverb waste not want not!

Right now, I am getting ready for a monthly shopping trip at the end of this month where we play see how quickly & how  much stuff you stuff into a Chevy Suburban along with 5 kids & a husband. 

This post is linked to Orgjunkies Menu Plan Monday 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am going to check out the Amish Money Makeover. We seem like we are Amish anyway :) Thank you.

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