Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Homeschool For Free

This is a repost from August 2011

Instead of new posts I am simply going to add free curriculums & blogs with links here and I'll put the new stuff in bold...

Homeschooling does not have to be expensive, in fact it can be free. Check out some of the free homeschooling curriculum that I've found:

http://www.amblesideonline.org/ - Complete K-12 Charlotte Mason purist curriculum
http://www.oldfashionededucation.com/ - Complete K-12 Curriculum that relies mainly on Gutenberg press books that you can print off of your computer
Lesson Pathways - K-5
Letter of the week - Free homeschool for Pre-K & K
19th CenturySchool Books - Free "digitized"...scanned in ;)

Math - MEP Math my friend Heather G. uses it and last I spoke to her really liked it.
Typing -Dancemat typing - which I found on Freely Educate!

Blogs/websites dedicated to finding free curriculum:

This year I am taking a close look at what we do and trying to figure out if we can school the children just as well for much less. With 5 to school the yearly costs just keep on rising and even if I can manage to only spend $100 per student that's still quite a bit over 12 years! Right now since I have been spending well over that per student but after reading Amish Money Secerets I'm looking for ways to trim all aspects of our budget.

If you want to find an amazing amount of free curriculum, courses just head on over to Freely Educate!

May the Lord bless you as you steward the monies he gave you.


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