Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Faithful Parent byMartha Peace

I cannot think of a book that more profoundly affected the execution of my job as a wife as Martha Peace's  book The Excellent Wife and now I see she has a couple more books out that I hope to read in the near future. I am especially interested in read The Faithful Parent over the school year. My list of books I want to read seems to grow by leaps and bounds as the time I have to read has greatly diminished. I believe it is said in Ecclesiastes that there is a time for everything!

May the Lord Bless you as you seek to be both an excellent wife and a faithful parent!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are a blessing! Your frugal, yet practical encouragement is greatly appreciated. Your honor of your husband and your ministry to your family is a joy to read! Keep it up!
Dawn K.

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