Sunday, March 07, 2010

I'm ready for Tomatoes!!!!

I am so excited that it is time to plant tomatoes again! Wonderful, glorious garden fresh tomatoes...salsa, spaghetti sauce, diced tomatoes!
This year we will have tomatoes ripening all summer long and all the way until the first frost. From the 52 day Early Girl to the 100 day Brandywine! In fact we have the following tomatoes on the way:
12 Early girls
6 Porters
6 Romas
6 Carnival
6 Beef steak
6 Brandywine
42 so far
Oh, and I forget to ask Wayne to get some cherry and grape tomatoes but I'll pick some up this weekend.
Why so many types?
Well I learned a lesson last year it's pretty hard to process tomatoes when every single tomato you have is ripe at nearly the same time. So this year we are planting tomatoes that will ripen at different times. The Early season around 50 days to the late season which is up to 100 days. So if you want to enjoy tomatoes into the Fall I would suggest you buy tomatoes that ripen at different rates.
Finally, in this area of Texas I learned from a country friend that Porter Tomatoes grow until the first frost and sometimes make it through a light frost. I was getting tomatoes last year well into November from my Porter's!
I can already taste the fried green tomatoes, tomato pie, salsa....yummy!
Happy gardening!

1 comment:

Jess said...

Mmmm...Fried Green Tomatoes.. .Candy Jam... going to be hard to actually let those tomatoes get ripe!!

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