Friday, July 17, 2009

Home Comforts: The Art & Science of Keeping Home

I have wanted this book for years, but I am wholly unable to buy a book for $35! So when I found it for $9.98 I happily handed over my spending money to the clerk.
Unlike the Martha Stewart book I have and love this book is more of a how to manual. Like the Joy of cooking but I guess this is the joy of cleaning!
I have already started reading it and I am really enjoying this book. It hits me where I am in that I am really good at some aspects of housekeeping and lacking in others. My mother was a career orientated attorney not a housewife. In my youth I also planned on being either an attorney or professional soccer player so she did not teach me homemaking skills, nor was I interested in them.
So, as I read through it I will probably periodically post on my progress through the book. Perhaps I'll post a few challenges for other new, untrained and perfecting homemakers!

1 comment:

Dina said...

I want to borrow that book when you are finished!

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