Monday, May 18, 2009

Summer's approaching...

I do not fry very many things, and when I say fried I usually mean oven fried. But one of my favorite things in the summer in our garden are the green tomatoes. Because during the end of Spring and start of summer we start eating Fried Greens Tomatoes! I don't really have a recipe for this item although I started out making them with one...but here is what I do...
1-4 Green tomato(es)
1 cup corn meal
1 egg
1 teaspoon house seasoning (a la Paula Deen)
  1. Combine corn meal and house seasoning in small bowl.
  2. Beat egg and put in bowl
  3. Slice the tomatoes
  4. Dip the tomatoes in eggs
  5. Dredge tomatoes in cornmeal mixture
  6. Until golden brown
  7. Eat with anything all the time!

Now that's a proper side dish or breakfast like I had this morning!

Now go get your vittals on!


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