Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Frugal Homemaker Monthly: Frugal Cleaning

Well this is the the debut of The Frugal Homemaker a celebration of frugality in the home. I am so excited to learn new ways to save and to see where homemakers are bringing Proverbs 31 to life in their lives. I am really hoping that this becomes a clearinghouse of frugal ideas & thoughts. Please link your posts to this page no matter when during the month you post or if you have a previous post that you would like to share.

As we are in the Spring Cleaning mode I thought this month I would focus on 2 of my favorite frugal cleaning practices. First is the kids spray cleaning bottle which is a combination of soap, water & vinegar. The kids can safely spray and clean away without Mom hovering over them ever moment.
Green & Kid's cleaning spray recipe
Put in about 20 oz of water
add 2 Tablespoons of cheap dish soap
add 2 Tablespoons of white vinegar
fill the rest up with water

total Cost: $0.07 per 24 oz bottle!

I use a 24oz spray bottle for this concoction and I label it for the kids. Recently I've been thinking about really making the bottle cute if I do I'll let you all see it.

Now the second item is one that I read a long time ago in a home management book most likely by Emile Barnes. That it is more economical to purchase commercial cleaners then individual cleaning products at the store. Well, we started buying ProForce for $6.14 for 1 gallon at Sam's Club. It comes in lemon, orange or pine. So lets break down the numbers....

For my all purpose counter spray (that cleans toilets, kitchens, trashcans,etc...)
use 1/3 oz for a 24oz spray bottle or 1 1/2 Tablespoons
Total cost: $0.03 per 24 oz spray bottle
For general cleaning (floors, walls etc...)

use ounces per gallon or 4 Tablespoons
total cost: $0.09 per mop bucket
You can make 67 mop buckets!

The added value savings comes for me in that I have one bottle to clean the whole house with. But for my tubs needing special cleaners I could buy this one product and be done with it! I like that it is a disinfectant so when are kids , or pee or throw up on things I know I am killing all the germs.

Here is your final cost comparison from Cheapest to most expensive:
  1. Proforce All purpose spray $0.03

  2. Vinegar, soap & water spray $0.07

  3. Wal-Mart Generic $1.18
Are you surprised? I am surprised that the vinegar soap costs more to produce but I guess the difference is found in the quantities and the cost of dish soap. Anyways, you could make 176+ all purpose Proforce spray bottles. The cheapest spray bottle at Wal-Mart is $1.18 or $207.68 (for 176 bottles) you'd save $201.54 for all 176 bottles!

Can't wait to read your posts. Put your name and (description) of your frugality on the linky. Please link directly to your frugal post and not just to your homepage. Feel free to link to any post you've put up in the last year!

Penny for your thoughts!...now link up or comment with your frugal ideas!


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