Monday, April 06, 2009

Psalm 127:3b

One of the last activities in the Explorer's unit study is playing a game that they provide in the unit. The game is made to be about 16X22 and attached to a file folder. I however had that sucker blown up to about 18"X3' at Copy Corner for the grand total of $2.50. I then took it home to add color because I was to cheap to get a color copy made of it.

A funny thing happened when I got it home and started to paint the game board. My small people wanted to help me out..??!!

Mom I want to help?

It must be perfect you cannot help me you might make a mistake....

"Okay Honey"

Well, she didn't stay in the lines and she kept moving the thing so I was also unable to stay in the lines. She nearly knocked the water over on the whole thing and she refused to rinse her brush in between colors.... And I am so glad she helped! Because now it's it is perfect. When we pulled the game down today to get it ready to start playing she was glowing with 5 year old pride!

Seriously, what is this life about? Perfect game boards, projects and homes???? Not for me, the word even tells us It's not about us! So since that's for sure, I'm just glad at that moment I was abiding in Him and I could clearly see Him in the moment. My hearts desire is to walk in these moments abiding in Him always. So I hope you make something perfect today too!
Psalm 127:3b "children a reward from him."

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