Friday, March 06, 2009

Saturday Friends...

These are a few of my favorite things.....Lightning is second generation horse and her Mom is Non.

We ride every Saturday in the SHARE program which is a riding program for children with special needs. They compete in the Special Olympics though we never have, but may this year.

All the girls are able to participate because it is a family program so Pearsy has been riding since she was 1! For us horseback riding is not about competition but about the animals, ride and the slow country lifestyle.
<--- This horse's name is Anonymous they call her Non believe it or not she is a registered Appaloosa.
So every Saturday we head off to the stables. We would love to have some horses on our place but these animals are very expensive to own. They say the cheapest thing about a horse is buying it. The vet and feed bills will kill you. But I keep this dream tucked away in the back of mind because like the kids I enjoy horseback riding too and I'd love for us to take slow rides down our county road. But only the Lord knows the plans he has for us and if this is in our future I do not know. I'd even love to have riding program like SHARE as it has been such a blessing to our family and to the many Brazos families that participate.
This last horse is Honey she is a registered Arabian and one of the kids favorite horses to ride. Her stride is very unusual she is a fancy horse and I think she may know it!
There are about 10 horses at the Share program and children & adults that have everything from Mild Mental disablities to folks with Moderate Cerbal Palsy ride in the program . They always need volutneers and this is a great please to reach lots of lost folks that are hurting.
Rooster Hill

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