Thursday, March 19, 2009

Is Leviticus out dated?

I know I am a weirdo because I spend just as much time (in fact more because there are more books) in the Old Testament as the New. Praying for revelation on how to walk and how to live this life for His glory. As I read the pages of Leviticus I am reminded of my previous sinful attitude towards the books of the law. As I read the rich pages of Leviticus I cannot help but remind my self that God's word does not return void.

" is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isiah 55:11

The laws of Leviticus are outdated because we no longer make burnt offerings?

I charge the premise of the question is wrong. Because perhaps we must still make burnt offerings...STOP do not go and grab your poor cat, dog, lamb or bull and throw it in your fireplace! ... I just wonder if today our burnt offerings are things of life divorce, affairs, , arguments, miscarriage, illness, strife of all sorts. Even on the other side raising children & marriage blessings which can also put us in through the refining fire. We are called to lay these things on the altar and to become a pleasing aroma to God. Maybe these are today's burnt offerings?(Lev 1-3)
I've been cleansed through God's refining fire I am a new creation trough the death burial & resurrection of Jesus Christ. I am growing in perfection (Matt 5:48) I know that Leviticus is not outdated and though I am not under the Law, Leviticus helps me to understand how & why perseverance under trials (James 1) perfects me.


1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Great post Kyle!

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