Saturday, February 28, 2009

Creative Christian Homemaking Monthly: March

to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.Titus 2:5

This is a just a little peek into our crafting here at RH. I am not a naturally crafty gal so I only pick up a new craft when needed for gifts or home decorating. The most recent new skill is crochet. It is a class being taught at our co-op and as most who know me know I love all things old fashioned and homemade! Thus, this is the skill for me....

This is my current project. I really like crotchet because I can do it during our trips to town when Wayne is driving. I do not get motion sickness so while we travel I can be industrious! Since the women at my church really take the Bible seriously they are busy being fruitful and multiplying I can certainly start providing useful blankets for sweet ones being born at our church. So who do you think this blanket is for.....

The other project I have not started working on yet is this apron. It too is headed to a friend just because and I hope she loves it....

I've thought about putting up an apron making tutorial but I am no expert. Perhaps I'll chronicle this for those of us who shall never be the proud owners of an Etsy store!

So what projects are you working on that keep you busy at home? Please add your link to the Mr. Linky below and do tell what you've been up too....

Busy at Home--RH
Linky Rules.....Include your name & Project
Be sure to link directly to the post with the project not just to your blog so if someone comes accross this post in December they will still be able to get to the correct post quickly! Thanks

1 comment:

Mrs. H. said...

Love this Kyle! I'll try to link up sometime soon. :-)

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Topics: farming, homesteading, chickens, garden, buff orpingtons, kids, Christ, Christian Homemaking, Bible, rabbits, chicks,cooking, food, comfort food, country food, nurishing traditions, organic, Baptist, raising kids, farm, fun, black homeschoolers, black homeschool, lamplighter coupon, lamp lighter discount, decorate small house, country decor, reformed baptist, Mama

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