Friday, February 20, 2009

6 Week Homeschool Review

Well, in an earlier post I announced the fact we are moving to 6 week terms with a quick periodic review. The picture is of our super fancy 6 week review sheet. So far I am really enjoying this new schedule.
Anyway, this is the end of our first official 6 week term so it is time to assess our progress over the term . What I found was except for Parker's Math (where we are a couple of lessons ahead) we were a couple of lessons behind in most subjects. I know we had a couple of days off for illness, a trip to Houston and field trips so I am not going to worry too much about this.
The one thing I want to note is that if the trend occurred over our 36 week school year we would be about 30 lessons short in one subject. Prior to my periodic analysis I would not have noticed this deficit. This is exactly why I wanted to get a tighter reign on homeschool progress. So over the next six weeks I will also write on our family calendar if and why we miss school so I can go back and review this at the end of our next 6 weeks.
This is the thing about my view of Christian homeschooling, it's not just for my kids, it is unto the Lord. I want to make sure that I am diligent in teaching my children to the Glory of God.

Additionally, we have exciting news the Rooster Hill Christian Academy is switching to Christian Light Education for the non-unit study portions of our school! This decision is a result of my reading the book Christian Homeschooling and was confirmed by the book Wayne is reading (Family Man, Family Leader). I am going to post a review of Christian Homeschooling: Foundation & Practice, in which I will discuss in detail why we are switching curriculum. We are very excited about using this solidly Christian Curriculum for our Language Arts, Reading & Bible along side our Christian Cottage Unit Study.
Taking a break at RHCA!

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