Monday, November 17, 2008

Menu Madness at Rooster Hill: Camping

Well, we are camping and when we camp I try to make my life simple and enjoyable by cooking the same easy things on each trip. This will both make it simple for me but it will also build memories for the kiddos!

B- at home
L- hotdogs, veggie chips, fruit & juice box
D- Chili w/tamales & cornbread

B- Pancakes & eggs with sausage
L- Sandwhiches,veggie chips, fruit & juice box
D-Sausages, baked beans, biscuits
Strawberry Shortcake

B-Scrambled eggs, bacon, toast
L- veggie chips, fruit & juice box
D- Hamburgers, Pork & Beans

B- Pancakes, sausage or bacon
L- hotdogs, veggie chips, fruit & juice box
D- going home!

Snacks: Homemade trail mix & fruit
I'll post some family camping tips soon!

Roughing it!


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