Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Batten Down the Hatches: Homeschooling in the storm

Well with hurricane Ike on the way to Texas we are picking up anything that can fly and we will be boarding up our back window. The storm is moving from a Cat. 2-4 and by the time this item posts we will all know the effect IKE had on Texas.

We normally school 4 days a week and have co-op, errands, family time or cleaning on the off day. This time we are preparing for a hurricane! So what did I do printed a book on hurricanes for the kids to learn about hurricanes from The kids happily completed the fun little book on hurricanes and now we are tracking the storm with a form from the same site. As I am thinking about this the kids are really learning and being exposed to quite a bit of science. This is the list of things we are learning/being exposed to at a time when they are keenly interested in 'Mama what is a hurricane?' :

  • Weather: Hurricane

  • Number Recognition

  • North South East West

  • Longitude & Latitude

  • Geography of the Gulf Coast, Gulf of Mexico, Mexico

  • Vocabulary Words

  • mph means Miles Per Hour

  • Nautical Flags/warnings

When we actually study longitude & latitude or mph later in their formal education this is a term they will have heard before and they will be familar with it. It will have some meaning in real life and perhaphs they will have a better grasp of it then I did when first introduced to these terms! Sometimes learning comes to you even if you don't want it too!

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