At our house we have a star fork. One day Peyton declared the star fork to be her favorite and suddenly it was the most special fork ever created! Well, Parker's job is to hand out the silverware at meal times so she always made sure she had the star fork. Accordingly, the girls argued over it and demanded to use it. I plotted its sudden disappearance of this major irritant. When suddenly God gave me a new vision so I suggested to Parker that she giving her sister the star fork would be kind. She said cheerfully :"Okay Mama!" and then she did not give her the fork not for weeks. I again began to plot its sudden disappearance into the garbage can...when suddenly she gave her sister the fork. For no reason other than her sister wanted it! Then when Justin came over they gave him the fork because he is their brother and they do not have a star fork at their house. I almost missed this little opportunity because my irritation with the arguing was outweighing the opportunity to teach a Biblical lesson. I always wanted one of those wonderful "Your Special" type red plates but God has given us a star fork and made it special.
Philippians 2:3Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.
P.S. - Please pray our house is under contract...we will be homeless or at least really living off the land!
I am praying believing your house will sell.
I love those moments when you see the Holy Spirit working in your children and they get it.
Man I LOVE that star fork!! OK...house under contract...I think I want to come over, I dont think I'm going tonight!@
I'm so excited your house is under contract!! What a neat time for your family. You'll have to tell me (again) where your land is!!
I just had to tell you that I came across your blog, when I was searching for a star fork. We also had a star fork (one) when we were growing up and there were five of us, we all loved the star fork and used to fight over (why my Mom didn't just throw it out, were not sure). After my Mom passed away we were cleaning out her house and of all the things she owned that was the one thing everyone checked for and alas it wasn't in the cutlery draw. Maybe she did throw it out after all.
Thanks for your blog Lisa
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