Okay, Big Baby who had the world's worse diaper yeast rash all the way to her tummy and her legs! Well, last night she was at her wits end and the normal 50% Zinc Oxide, I swear by, was not working. In fact I think it was just laughing at it and growing more and more. I remembered Gentian Violet...I know I am probably behind the curve on knowing and using this product. But at 8 p.m. at night I had little choice....either go to the urgent care ($75 co-pay, $10 meds and embarassment) for a screaming baby with diaper rash that I had already diagnosed (Yes, I am board certified I have a BA and an MOM degree) or give the ole natural cure thing a try. So Halei and I trekked off to HEB to look for Gentian violet (1.77) and Acidophilus pills (7.00) while sweet Wayne soaked the baby in a water tub with 'baking soda' .
Since I am both interested and skeptical of natural cures when we got home I put some on her to check to see if she was going to have a reaction. She did not have a reaction, so I painted her purple! This morning she looks great (and purple) and the Yeast beast is retreating! 
So my request to all the other mommies out there is to please comment about other natural cures (like grapefruit seed!) you use so I can increase my knowledge of these natural medicines, save my family money and grow in wisdom while I 'watch over the affairs of [my] household' Prov. 31:27.
Thanks !
Poor baby! I'm so glad you found a cure. I can't think of any natural cures except for these chamomile teething tablets I found. They work great, but you're out of the teething phase.
Praise God that He brings things into our minds right when we need them.
I am glad Big Baby is feeling better!!
We use Crisco on our babies bottoms. It's what my Mom and Grandmother did. It's not to treat a fungal rash, but for plain old diaper rash, using Crisco REALLY seals the skin and puts a barrier between them and anything going on in their diaper. Think about how you can't get Crisco off of your hands...it's nasty. My kids have had some ugly ones, especially if they were on anti-biotics. Now Rusty recommends it to his patients.
I'm so glad the "gingivitis" worked on big baby! I changed her TWICE Sunday morning, not taking any chances, lol!!
PS- I looked ar Obama's issues page and I didnt see anything on there, it even said he made a speech about integrating faith and politics(or deeper meaning...I skimmed) So whats up with this guy, I really want to be an informed voter!!
So, Alyssa had pinkeye recently and when she woke up in the morning (which is icky with pinkeye) she says in a very dramatic voice, "Mom, I really need to eat some more carrots, I can't see very well."
This cures blindness, according to Alyssa. Eat carrots.
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