As I sit and reflect upon the day I cannot help but yell from the the roof tops ...DO NOT MAKE the Lemon Cake that was in the Chronicle a couple of Sundays ago unless you really enjoy a dry cake with no hint of lemon! Perhaps, it should have been a clue when the batter did not require any lemon juice. However, you know you are really in trouble when a sugar craving three year old throws away her nearly full dessert plate! Of course I had the Maass' over for dinner so they could taste and see that it was not good! We both gave it a "2" ....... All I can say now is Kim I need your sour cream cake recipe...so I can get me some ...mmmmm...mmmm good cake into my tummy! To top it off I turned on Matt Drudge to catch up with politics and he is talking about discuss the pool of Presidential candidate Barack Obama ...I do not know what is worse the lemon cake or these candidates. I'm gonna go get an antacid!
Questions to ask Kyle:
1. clue me in on politics, since i will be able to vote in this election. i've "heard" obama is amazing...i need clues on the issues
2. recipe for her house seasoning
3. recipe for the potato soup
4. lemon cake with NO lemon?!
ok...that is all...for now! ;)
See you tomorrow!
I am so sorry I missed the lemon cake (let me know when it is safe to come home from Dayton).
Love you.
I started a recipe binder!! I dedicate it to you...its pretty small right now, but one day I'll get up to the size of yours!!
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