Okay , I get it I totally lack patience. But God is working on me and what better way to do that than with an Autistic child! So after at least 1 hour of blood curdling screaming (because she did not like her punishment for disobedience- 1 hour is a vacation because she's been known to go for over 2 hours! Great pair of lungs that kid has. God gave me a little surprise the two little ones sitting and playing nicely in our library book basket. ...Sometimes we get renewed moment by moment! .......And on the Peyton Pooh super cute side she named her dolly "Chelsea" . She always names her doll after someone she really loves. So Chelsea has earned a s special place in her heart.
Yesterday i was reading your blog, which i didn't know you had till i saw it on kathryn's. I showed Easton the picture of Parker. He was so excited to see her since they haven't been in cubbies lately. He also noticed that she had folded the towels, i think he was glad to know some other children fold towels as they help out with chores too. Good to read about you and those girls.
Patience is definately something I have to pray for...actually I pray for grace because I have found that if I pray for patience, God will give me something to be patient with!!!
Kids are so fun. Alex now wears two different shoes (so his friends can see both at the same time) and his hoodies backwards (so he has a mask!!!!)
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