Wednesday, February 09, 2011

52 weeks of organizing week 5

On top of the curio

So last week a gal that bought books from me had a great idea she suggested I post my list! So here it is in all of its splendor. If you have any suggestions of other things to add that would be wonderful! Also I'd love to know what you think. Don't you love how I clutter a neat stack of scrapbooks that you can barely notice under our cute picnic basket! Ha! I'll try to post what I have already completed with a photo report next week. I'll try to take pictures of other organization Don't forget I still need help on my list so if you have some ideas I'd love to hear them!!!
  1. computer desk
  2. homeschool bookshelf
  3. master bedroom closet
  4. sewing table
  5. sewing cabinets
  6. upper kitchen cabinets
  7. entertainment Area
  8. homeschool book shelf (Homeschool Room)
  9. homeschool rolling cart
  10. homeschool bottom shelf
  11. homeschool small white bookcase
  12. entry shelf unit
  13. piano top
  14. attic organization
  15. hallway closet
  16. laundry room basket
  17. top of curio
  18. homeschool lesson planner
  19. homeschool book shelf bedroom
  20. twins closet
  21. changing table
  22. laundry room tall shelf
  23. athroom cabinet kids room
  24. bathroom cabinet Master bedroom
...okay I still have a few to go!

So I noticed Orgjunkie asked why we wanted to get more organized. Which is something I had not given a great deal of thought to until then. So here are some of the reasons I want to get more organized:

  1. So that my home will run more smoothly and efficiently.
  2. So I am not wasting time and money looking for items I already have but cannot locate.
  3. So my family knows how to help (I am making lists for the family)
  4. We have a lot of kiddos and the more organized and scheduled life is the easier it is for everyone (especially our dear one with mild Autism). 
So as I embark on this journey let me say I do not want to have a perfectly clean house because that seems to come with a lot of wear on tear on the family.I want a neat organized home where kids can play and company can relax. I want the organization in our home to help create a peaceful & joyful environment that glorifies the Lord. An environment where the my 'husband lacks nothing of value' and where the children may rise and call 'me blessed', not cranky! Ha!

May the Lord fill your home with grace & peace too!

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