Friday, February 11, 2011

Homeschool Weekly Wrap-up

I must say after reading several of last weeks participants'  weekly wrap up I really felt encouraged. This week I even read the guidelines for the submissions so here it goes...

This week got off to a rocky start for our little homeschool with a series of disappearing and disobedient kiddos. This can make for a long week.

Hey,did you know that you cannot get homeschool done if your kiddo is sent to their room around 1 pm to wait for their Father to get home around 5:30 pm? Well, someone shoulda told me this!

However, we may have alleviated the problem by running books one at a time to the child who is in 'lock-down' until their school work is completed. By the way this is not ideal, this is not the image I had of me and the kiddos cuddled on the couch reading wonderful books while they looked at me longing for more! None the less at times like this I know it is the reason the Lord gave us the book of James!

I more understand the verse: Do not grow weary in doing good for at the proper time you will reap a harvest if you do not give up was meditated upon a great deal! 

This week I had a hard time getting grading done in a timely manner. I finally prioritized Math & Language Arts as items that have to be graded/reviewed for the littles to go on & everything else for me can wait.

Monday: We had a glorious day at home.I had Monday conferences with the children where we discuss the children's progress in different subjects. I know it sounds so formal but it really consists of me saying stuff like :"You know honey you are _ days behind/ahead in this subject and it does(or doesn't) look like like you are going to finish before summer break....."
Tuesday: Another glorious day at home. We got a lot accomplished.
Wednesday: We spent the morning in town we did drove by the bank & library. The 3 oldest all got hair cuts or trims. The youngest, well they do not have any hair yet, Woohoo! I had a Carmel Frappe from McDonalds (it's nearly half of points for the day! But it was worth it!). After the hair cut we went to Sam's club to pick up our bulk items for the month and then I had to rush home for our 2pm art class. The kiddos are taking a portrait class. Our Art Teacher is a young new Mama and she is just precious and I am really looking forward to getting to know her better.
Thursday: This is my favorite day of the week it's piano lesson day. The day where our sweet piano teacher comes early and stays late to help us out in way she can, ever since the twins arrival. This week I asked if she could mop and she swept and mopped the floor while happily humming hymns. Just have a little help each week is to me such an unmeasurable blessing for this Mama. The children had their piano lessons, sadly they all missed getting a prize by 1-3 practice days. Parks finished her lessons early today and she was rewarded by being able to watch my favorite "School House Rock" and she sat on the couch mesmerized.
Friday: We live in Central Texas and it snowed so we had a 1/2 day snow day the kids played in the snow in the morning and at about 2 pm we began school.So the kids enjoyed a day full of snow balls and sledding. We worked off of our 'busy day schedule' instead of our "regular schedule".  I graded a math diagnostic test that revealed the eldest kiddo needs more help with Long division and basic decimals. So we are turning to Math Mammoth for help in the areas this child is week. We have used Math Mammoth before with the same child to strengthen another area. After we finish Math Mammoth we will start our next years Math Curriculum!

I really enjoyed looking through many of the participants in the Weekly Wrap up and gleaned some great ideas from them. If you want to peek into other people's homeschool please click here.

So do you have any educational videos your family enjoys watching?


wdworkman said...

Sound like a great week despite the "lock-down." Schoolhouse Rock & a carmel frappe would be a perfect day for me!
Janet W

wdworkman said...

Sounds like a good week despite the "lock-down." Schoolhouse Roce & a carmel frappe would pretty much be a perfect day for me!
Janet W

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