This is really a post inspired by Kim! She is a sock wizard she does not have any missing socks! I asked her about it and her response was "I just keep up with them." Well, I'm not Kim and I've got plenty of missing socks. But no missing kids so I'm gonna call it a wash! Here is how we manage socks around here:
2. We also put dots on socks & underware: 1 dot for the oldest, 2 dots for the middle, 3 dots for the youngest. Then when an item is passed down it gets another dot. This really helps us because we have all girls and the 2 & 4 year old are so close in size! This was Kim's idea also, gotta love your super organized friends!
3. Finally, I keep a basket on top of the washing machine with all the mismatched socks we have. Once a month or so I go through the basket and find the matches. I am going to put some zip loc bags in the basket and start dating the socks, so I know when its time to toss them or add them to the rags.
Uses for old socks:
1. dust rags
2. sock puppets
3. cleaning gloves
Chapter 1 of Making Your House a Haven is coming this week. Sorry for the delay!
It must be sock season as I just bought socks myself!
I really like your idea about putting dots on the socks and wish I had thought of that when my kids were young.
These are some great ideas. I have recently began using the hanes colored toes socks for my bunch.
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here is the link:
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