Monday, February 07, 2011

Menu Plan Monday

February 8-13th
I just thought I'd show you all what it looks like to have an intimate dinner at our home just the 5 children my husband and me. Well of course the servants too! Ha!!

Monday - Chili with Tamales & cornbread
Tuesday - Breakfast for Dinner
Wednesday -Beans, Rice & Corn bread
Thursday -Duggar Crock pot Lasagna, salad & garlic bread
Friday -Hamburger, French Fries
Saturday -Left Overs or Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Sunday - Split Pea Soup & chocolate chocolate chip cookies for the fellowship meal!

We had to buy a new (to us) car last month so now our finances are a little bit tight so I am reverting to some of my least expensive meals for the rest of this month. This is unfortunate because I have planned meals through May. I praise the Lord that the majority of the meals I plan are pretty frugal so with just minor adjustments we are able to streamline! We are doing the same thing to our 2 week lunch and breakfast rotation so we can hopefully manage this month with half of our grocery budget.

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