Sunday, February 06, 2011

This Month's Character Focuses

Well last month we embarked on a journey to specifically identify discuss and encourage the development of the 49 character qualities listed here. This month we are covering the following character qualities:
  • Orderliness
  • Attentiveness
  • Obedience 
  • Hospitality
This month I am hoping to have a fun activity to illustrate each of the character qualities we are studying. I think for Obedience we will play red-light green light, Hospitality we may have a tea party, Attentiveness perhaps a scavenger hunt & orderliness I am at a loss at the moment. Right now we are introducing the character quality and they are learning the definition. We plan to do a much expanded study of character next year and over the next several years.  So this is really just the introduction to the character qualities we will be studying in the future.

Last month we started off slow because my idea was to cover character qualities during lunch time. Well during lunch time I am feeding babies and rarely have time to discuss anything other then "Hey, can you heat up that bottle." So we did not cover one of the character qualities.  But now we do it right after Truth & Grace (Bible Memory) and it has become a consistent part of our day. I think sometimes we give up on something that is important to us a little too soon. Sometimes we need to change the time, place or how we do it so it fits in well with our family.

I was wondering if any of you wonderful Mamas out there have any ideas or games that could be used to teach these qualities. Or any other character qualities for that matter.  Please leave me a comment.

Shaping Character at Rooster Hill!

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