Monday, September 06, 2010

The Last Week of August .....

We've had a really intersting week here at Rooster Hill. This is the kind of week that if you turned

it into a hollywood screenwriter they would reject it and say sorry it's just not beleiveable. The last week of August.....

On Tuesday (I think) I had a dental appointment to get step 2 in the 3 step process of getting a crown at
the dentist office. I remeber as I was driving It was amazing how I just kept making all the green lights. I think
between my house and the dentist I only had to wait at one green light. If I had I would not have made it to the comfort and safety of the dentist office.

"The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. "Psalm 123:1

Since I was going to be there any way I also scheduled my cleaning for the same day to kill two birds with one stone. Well as I was sitting in my hygenists chair the Dentists assitant toni pops her head in the room to let me know that I have a flat. Well I had taken the van. The only car that seats the entire family and Wayne was at home with the kids and the truck which seats 3 maybe 4 but it surely cannot handle 4 car seats! I started to panic but thanks to Pearson I know:

 "God did not give us a 'pirit owv fwear" [Pearson Version]
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Tim 1:7 

For God does not give us a spirt of fear but of power and of love This was great I was not afraid or panicing but I still cannot change a flat with my mouth throbbing and my wobbling knee! So I called Wayne and we were kind of at a loss for this one and I asked to see if I could find help that was in town. So I just start calling the Saints ...Glynda Bricker (just left to go somewhere and would not be back for several hours), Steph did not answer phone (I left a detailed message and she called me back several times while I was in the dentist chair), Jessica (swamped at work and calling folks to help or pick me she's my last option ride). Seeing that I was not able to find anyone to help the dental assitant told me to just call the folks next door and they would take care of it for me for only $12.

I wait for you, O LORD; you will answer, O Lord my God. Psalm 38:15

Then a revelation call Jeremy, Jeremy is in our LIFE group he's the kind of guy you hope your daughter will marry. He is reliable and he is constantly serving and always read to lend a hand.

"Hi Kyle" it always throws me off that he does that....
"Hi Jeremy, can you do me a favor"
"Yes"....okay he has no idea what he is agreeing to for all he knows I could drop off all five kids and head
to California for a week. This is why we (Wayne & I) love this guy he is an awesome Christian Brother.
"My Car has a flat and Wayne is at home with the truck and he cannot get into town"
"Where are you"
"At ....."
"Okay, I'll be there in 20 minutes" This guy has a real job at A&M he's not a student or a part-time employee somewhere.

BTW, I dropped my phone in coffee a couple of weeks back and it doesn't work right so I have to have pretty much all of my conversations on Speaker phone. So the Hygentist was listening to the whole thing. This didn't occur to me until later that God can orchastrate a broken phone to to draw His people to Him.

"Wow, most people won't answer the phone if they think you need help." Hygenist

So I took my keys to the front desk and let them know a young guy was going to come by and change the tire.His name was Jeremy and to please give him the keys so he can get whatever he needs to get. So I finished my cleaning and then went and had the second step of getting my crown completed and about 1 hour later emerged from the 2 dental chairs to find my tire changed.

"Your friend came?" spoken with shock and suprise
I am standign there thinking I know he said he would. I had not seen him but I knew he'd come.

Simply let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No'; anything beyond this comes from the evil one. Matt. 5:37

"He got under you car and he was dressed really nicely."
"Yes, he works at A&M he's a direcor or something so he has to look nice for work"
"Well, he changed your tire and then he left, I told him did a good thing, sometimes they need to be told"

She's right it is nice to be told you have done a good thing but this man did not need to be told it's just how he is , he belongs to Jesus.

Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.1 Cor. 15:58

 I just want to point out that nothing in my day changed I left at exactly the same time I would of left. But everyone in my dental office got to see the hands and feet of God that day. They stood amazed, I stood amazed.

"Follow me and I will make you a fisher of men."

"That's how he is he loves Jesus he goes to my church he's in my small group."

"What church do you go to?"


Kelly Owen said...

LOVE that story! We are a blessed Body, indeed!

Sarah said...

God is pretty awsome like that.
Can you email me your email address? I am done with the pictures and want to email them to you. The clinic blocks facebook and my phone doesn't work up here (no at&t :/ ), my email is

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