Monday, January 03, 2011

Meal Plan Monday

January 2nd - 8th

We are a Christian homeschooling family of 7.
At the end of December I decided to go back to my tried and true method of cooking which involves browning about 10#'s of ground beef & cooking 10# of chicken after the first grocery trip of the month. Each month I do something different with the ground beef this month I will be making about 10#'s of meatballs to use over the next few months.

Sunday - Duggar Tater Tot casserole & corn
Monday - Chili with tamales & cornbread
Tuesday - tacos, refried beans
Wednesday- Beans, Rice & Cornbread
Thursday- Spaghetti with meatballs (making 10# of meatballs today!), garlic bread
Friday - Bean & Cheese burritos with corn and fruit cocktail
Saturday-  Duggar Cincinnati Chili with peas

May the Lord Bless your kitchen this week!


annies home said...

love the name of your blog sounds like something my mother would have picked Your menu sounds delicious and thanks for the links I have had the tater tot casserole recipe but the chilli was something I am going to check out. Please feel free to check out my menu at

Rachael said...

Hey K!

I love to cook tons of meat at the same time (go figure!) and use my gi-normous roasters. I cut the 10# into hunks and put them @350 (high for a normal crockpot) for about an hour or so. This might not work for your meatballs but will definitely help with the ground beef cooking.

love you sister!

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