Friday, December 31, 2010

Preparing for the NewYear

 I was inspired by a post on one of my favorite blogs to think and write out the things I have been planning and preparing at home.

The Homeschool
About twice a year I really sit down and evaluate how I think the school year is going. I tend to ask myself a series of questions including:
How do I think the year is going?
Are we where I wanted us to be at mid year , if not what needs to happen?
Is the curriculum working does anything need to change? Do I need to switch into something else or should we continue forward?
Are there any new issues that are occurring with the children that need to be addressed such as speech issues, character problems etc...

I am in a  neutral position with our homeschool about 1/2 way through the first semester we switched Parker to several Christian Light courses and we have been very pleased with it.

There are a couple of things I wanted to consistently add back into the children's day. Such as listening to the Bible for 15 minutes a day. We completed the New Testament in the Spring but we are still working on the Old Testament. I'd like for us to listen to the entire Bible each school year.
I've planned to cover a different character Quality with the children each week.

Additionally, during black history month we will read a different autobiography (MLK, Carver, Tubman & ) each week.  We will also go to the local African American History Museum. This will be the first time I've ever prepared for black History month.

Next,  I'd like to fun holiday sheets for the kids so I have been printing out
 color sheets, crosswords and word searches for the holidays that occur in the Spring.  I remember how much I enjoyed doing those sheets in school and I have been remiss in providing them to my students.For President's day we will be going to the George Bush Presidential Museum. Finally, I am also planning some school parties to add a healthy dose of fun & excitement into to the year.

The Home

This month I've spent a lot of time planning and changing home management methods to help my home to run more smoothly. I'm changing our laundry system and it already seems to be working more smoothly.

I have planned out meals through May and have again begun to do some bulk cooking. Bulk cooking means when I get home from the grocery store I go ahead and brown about 10# of ground beef and cook/debone 10#'s of chicken and then freeze it all into serving size bags.  The goal of this is to simplify my cooking and enable me to spend a little less time in the kitchen.

I have begun to plan for the the many events of the year 6 birthday parties, our 15 year Anniversary, a 2 week vacation, 2 camping trips, a week of Homeschool Camp, Family Camp (hopefully) in October and a couple of parties I've always wanted to have. I have begun lists to add items that are needed for each of these events.

I am organizing clothing boxes in the attic using the Duggar system of numbered boxes and a spreadsheet so I can keep better track of the clothing accumulating for the 5 kiddos. 

We will begin researching the 12 passenger vans in January as we start saving for one. We are preparing for a garage sale to start saving for our much needed 12 passenger van!
 If I think any changes need

Always, keeping in mind that these are my plans and I am planning in light of God will. For just as the rich man who stood to look at all of his crops we do not know what the Lord has planned for us even the next day! Still we are called to guard our time for the days are evil!  

I was motivated to post this after reading one of my favorite blogs the Wise Woman Builds her Home  which posted Planning and Preparing for a New Year

May the Lord Bless you and your family as Lord willing you plan for your new year!

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