Sunday, September 13, 2009

Menu Plan Monday...+self sufficiency report

Back by Dina's demand.....

This meal plan includes the percentage of the meal that we grew here on the farm or hunted. Our desire is to become 90% self sufficient! Our meals are served with tea and water, neither of which I currently make or grow! But give me some time on the tea!

I have a difficult time with meal planning now a days because we are trying to eat out of our garden as much as possible. The more we eat the less I buy at the grocery for weekly use and the more food we can keep on hand for a rainy day.

Monday: Pork pot pie, green beans (60% home shot, grown)

Tuesday: Slap Your Mama Butternut Squash Soup (recipe on the farm blog), homemade bread (85% homegrown)

Wednesday: Beans Rice & Cornbread with a peach cobbler(0%)

Thursday: Spaghetti Squash Spaghetti & Meatballs with garlic bread and green beans (85% homegrown)

Friday: Braised or buttermilk wild pork, cream peas, fried okra & Parker's homegrown Watermelons(100%)

Saturday: All American Cheese burger soup with bread (10%)

Sunday: Church Fellowship meal
I hope you have wonderful dinners all week long!


not hallie said...

90% self sufficient! Only you ;)
Your menu looks YUMMY!

Ranee @ Arabian Knits said...
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Ranee @ Arabian Knits said...

What a great looking menu! We, too, have a goal of growing/raising/making a large quantity of our own food. We are nowhere near as close as you are however. Great job! I will be searching your blog for the recipes.

Jennifer Bacak said...

How do you make cream peas?
And remember that soup I had at your house? I still want that recipe, it was so good!
I love the RH farm fresh veggies! They make me happy!

The Williams Family said...

I heard you were teaching couponing and/or meal planning...this is kind of a new concept to some of our ladies...what would it take to get you to come and teach our little group of ladies at my church?

Sorry I didn't e-mail, I think I've got the old address...

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Topics: farming, homesteading, chickens, garden, buff orpingtons, kids, Christ, Christian Homemaking, Bible, rabbits, chicks,cooking, food, comfort food, country food, nurishing traditions, organic, Baptist, raising kids, farm, fun, black homeschoolers, black homeschool, lamplighter coupon, lamp lighter discount, decorate small house, country decor, reformed baptist, Mama

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