Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Organic Veggies Available!

For those that may not follow the RH Farm blog, we have a homestead/micro-farm. We are are transitioning to organic gardening and switching to square foot gardening which should be less labor intensive and more fruitful. We already have 5 boxes up and two more are going up this week. We decided to do this after investigating the folks at Path to Freedom in California which produces 6,000 pounds of veggies in a garden 1/3rd larger then our garden. If we are able to increase our veggie production on such a small portion of our land this will free us up to use the rest of our land for other things. The Farm blog is already set up to take orders which can be delivered at set drop off locations or picked up at the farm. We currently have okra & eggs available. Over the next few months as they ripen: Lima Beans, green beans, tomatos, brussel sprouts, raddish, turnips, pumpkins , head lettuce mix, mesculun & of course eggs. If you are interested in signing up for our veggie co-op, ordering veggies each month please head over to Rooster Hill Farm and complete the order form or drop me an e-mail.

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