Thursday, April 24, 2008

Grocery Shopping & More: 99Cents Only Store

They have opened a couple of these .99 Only Stores around town on in Bryan in the old Kroger Shopping Center and in College Station in the Toys R Us Shopping Center. Let me tell you they have produce, cheese, milk etc... For weeks I was buying a 4# bag of red apples & a 4# bag of oranges for .99!!!! Now the produce varies so you cannot count on the fruit. But the last time I was in there they had a 5# bag of potatoes for .99!

  • For you organic gals they carry many organic products.
  • For you Diabetics they carry lots of sugar free goodies!
  • For you brand names gals they carry brand names (but you still need to break the brand name addiction cycle!)
  • For you decorating gals they have lots of cute seasonal decorations!
  • For us cheapskates (like me) some of their prices really beat Wal-Mart!

You'll notice I spend about $20 there each trip to the store! Now just like in any situation you have to know your prices & quantities. You can loose money at the .99 Store for instance I purchased a 1# box of brown sugar there and then checked the price at Wal-Mart. I was right it was just over $1 ($1.28) but it was 1 2# bag! So be careful and happy shopping my little merchant ships!

1 comment:

Joan J said...

We have Dollar Stores in our area and I did check it out, but most of the food was of the junk-food variety. I'll have to see if the 99 cent stores are in our area. Another store in our area is Big Lots and I have purchased off-name foods there at a good discount.

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

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