Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Grocery Shopping & More

While I was grabbing my pre- browned ground beef I noticed a recent grocery store purchase of country ribs & pork chops. They were on sale last week so I picked up a good 8.5# of chops and 10# of Country Ribs. I really try to only buy (ground beef & chicken excluded) on sale. Then when it goes on sale I usually get 10-20# of it which normally makes anywhere from 5-15 meals for my family.
Proverbs 6:7-9 discusses the positive behavior of the ant:
It has no commander, no overseer or ruler,
yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest.

This time I want to share with you my savings:

Pork Chops

8.44# purchased at regular price (1.96/#)is $16.55 but at the sale price of $1.09 my total was $9.20 a 45% savings on regular price!

Pork Ribs

11.21# purchased at regular price ($2.42/#) is $27.13 but at sale price of .99 my total was only $11.10 a 60% savings!
So I saved a grand total of $23.38 or a 54% savings off of regular price!
Ladies, we have to know our prices and realize when these items go on sale it is harvest time! I encourage you to be like the ant. Live a Proverbs 31 kind of life, being frugal doesn't mean ground beef, top ramen & ketchup....It's a Chicken Marsala kind of life on a burger budget! Maybe, I'll post our meal plans so you can see it's an abundant and tasty life!
Remember the P31 gal as you rise early to beat the crowds at Wal-Mart and know you are storing up crowns in heaven as you make your sacrifice.
She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar.
15 She gets up while it is still dark;
she provides food for her family and portions for her servant girls.
Bon Voyage!


BRANDI said...

Kyle, I missed you and your family yesterday. It quickly reminded me that come May, my monday evenings will NEVER be the same...

Anonymous said...

Your blog is so helpful! Adam and I just moved to ABQ and they have no HEB. Being a new wife, I'm trying to establish a good food budget but we have found food here expensive.

This last week I went to walmart for shopping but then they didn't have any produce or meat...need to go to a different walmart next week.

Anyway, your tips are awesome! I'm a new avid reader!

Emily Williams

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